Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space: January 2021

Centrum Analiz Propagandy i Dezinformacji
Author: Centrum Analiz Propagandy i DezinformacjiEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space as exemplified by the articles published by and between 4-31 January 2021.

Below are presented the partial results of the monitoring conducted by the Center for Propaganda and Disinformation Analysis as a part of the “Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space” project and implemented during the period of 3 August 2020 to 28 February 2021.

Source: Own elaboration, Center for Propaganda and Disinformation Analysis

Quantitative analysis:

Monitored media outlets:,,

Subject area: Poland, European Union, United Kingdom, Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)

Time frame: 4-31 January 2021

Total number of news published on, and 26417, namely 18935 news from (from 3412 to 5327 news per week), 2521 news from (from 428 to 719 news per week) and 4961 news from (from 898 to 1372 news per week). There was a decrease in total number of published news compared to December 2020. The first week of January, similarly to the last week of December, traditionally due to the holiday season of Russia was characterized by a decreased activity of Russian media. In January 2021, the lowest monthly number of published news during the conducted media monitoring period was recorded.

Total number of news about Poland, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) in the monitored media: 1183, namely 582 news from, 274 news from and 327 news from The news about Poland, the EU, the UK and Baltic states accounted for 3,1% of all the news published on, 10,9% on and 6,6% – on This news together accounted for 4,5% of all the news published in the monitored websites in January 2021. There was a decrease in total number of news on monitored topics, both in terms of numbers and percentage shares of all the published news compared to the previous month.

Total number of the monitored news: 1183, including 503 news on the United Kingdom (which accounts for 1,9% of all the news published in the monitored media in January 2021), 427 news on the European Union (1,6%), 146 news on Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) (0,6%) and 107 news on Poland (0,4%).


The monitoring and analysis was conducted by: Adam Błonowski, Bartosz Gralicki
Project coordinator and editorial supervision: Marta Kowalska
Graphic layout and editorial supervision: Katarzyna Rogala

READ THE FULL REPORT: This article is part of the “Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space: the image of Poland, NATO, European Union, United Kingdom, Baltic states and Belarus in the Russian online media outlets”.

See related:

Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 3 and 30 August 2020
Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 31 August and 27 September 2020
- Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 28 September and 1 November 2020
- Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 2-29 November 2020
- Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 30 November 2020 and 3 January 2021
- Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 1-21 February 2021
- Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space between 31 August 2020 and 14 February 2021

The publication is part of the report: “Monitoring and analysis of the Russian information space”. The project was carried out in cooperation of the Center for Propaganda and Disinformation Analysis (CAPD) and Open Information Partnership (OIP). The publication solely reflects the authors’ opinions and should not be equated with the official position of the Open Information Partnership. The publication serves as contribution to the public debate.